About Pangu Intelligent Manufacturing
Pangu Intelligent manufacturing is a high-tech enterprise specializing in the research and development, manufacturing, sales, and provision of metal 3D additive printer services for metal 3D printer equipment.At present, the company has developed independently and produced 3D metal printer equipment, and has established the largest 3D metal printer additive factory in South China to respond to the global demand for accessories manufacturing.
About Pangu Intelligent Manufacturing
Pangu Intelligent manufacturing is a high-tech enterprise specializing in the research and development, manufacturing, sales, and provision of metal 3D additive printer services for metal 3D printer equipment.At present, the company has developed independently and produced 3D metal printer equipment, and has established the largest 3D metal printer additive factory in South China to respond to the global demand for accessories manufacturing.
R&D And Manufacturing Of Top Precision 3D Printing Technology In China

Adopting A Factory Direct Supply+system Automatic Quotation Mode

Quickly Respond To Customers Additive Manufacturing Needs


Has more than 60 independent research and development of 3D metal printing equipment


High-end precision production equipment


The company independently developed 4 automated processing and testing units


More than 40 domestic advanced mechanization engineering doctor master technical engineers and a group of outstanding technical workers

Continue To Provide Customers With Cost-Effective Products
Continue To Provide Customers With Cost-Effective Products
Panrui Technology
Automation equipment
Xiaorui Electrical machinery
Precision transmission
Panxin Automation
Machine vision
Panrui Intelligence
3D printer equipment
Pangu Intelligent manufacturing
Machined sheet metal
Panrui Technology
Automation equipment
Xiaorui Electrical machinery
Precision transmission
Panxin Automation
Machine vision
Panrui Intelligence
3D printer equipment
Pangu Intelligent manufacturing
Machined sheet metal
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